
Pseudo-Cooking Show: Spicy Tuna Carbonara

The hardest question in my life: What's for lunch/dinner? I know, you too experienced that. But the other day, My sister and I wondering what's good for dinner, we're on our way to Robinson's to do some grocery when I suddenly feel the urge to eat Carbonara! And then, viola! We bought ingredients for Spicy Tuna Carbonara. Let me share you how to do this. I've learned it from my friend, Khen. It's her specialty! :)



Combined ingredients
 Ingredients: (for half kilo Spaghetti pasta)
-1/2 Pasta (I used Spaghetti pasta)
-Nestle cream (2 big)
-Evaporated Milk (2 big)
-Hot and Spicy Century Tuna (2 big)
-Black Pepper
-Salt (to taste)
-Bacon (toppings)

1. Saute Bacon until toasted for toppings (set aside after)
2. Use the oil of bacon in saute-ing Onion and Garlic
3. Add Evaporated milk, bring to slight boil
4. Add Nestle Cream, bring to slight boil
5. Add Century Tuna
6. Salt and Pepper to taste
7. Toss cooked pasta into the white sauce then add Bacon as toppings

Viola!! My Spicy Tuna Carbonara

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