Sorry but I just have to blog this and yes, I definitely am. I could watch Skins season 3 and 4 all over and over and over and over again. I just love Naomi Campbell (Lily May Loveless) and Emily Fitch (Kathryn Prescott) together. They make me cry, laugh, kiligsssss all at the same time. I'm so obsessed with them. My Tumblr page is full with Naomily GIFs that other shipper did. OMG. I just can't get enough. I even replaced Caleb (Tyler Blackburn, @tylerjblackburn) of Pretty Little Liars as my lappy's wallpaper.
Follow Lily on Twitter: @lovelessandmore
(Kat Prescott doesn't have Twitter account. Sayang.)
I wish there was more!