
Miranda-Cruz Nuptial

Another close friend of mine tied the knot! I'm so happy for Nico. He has been my friend since second year high school and until now, we're tight as brothers, I must say. We attended their wedding last Dec. 29, 2012 (overdue post again, sorry.) at Nuestra de Aranzazu Church and the reception took place at Ciudad Christia Resort. I have here some photos to show you guys, just run down. I didn't bring any camera so I grabbed a few from friends. :) 

The Entourage

A few more after the jump!!!

Nico and Cha's grand entrance at the reception

T3 Family

Ugh. Tryin' to be wacky

L-R: Val, Jo, Me


HAHAHAHA with Mayor Pervert Bautista

Tequila night after the reception at Ton's place

I just had to post this - Very Liz Uy ang peg HAHAHAHAHAHA

Congratulations Nico and Cha :)

Next month, another friend will get married while here I am still single. Ugh. Haha. Anywaaaaay, I'm happy for Nico and Cha and I wish a long lasting relationship for them. Ciao!

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